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TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress

TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress

TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress
$ 232.50
$ 775

TOTEME dress twisted at the shoulder to create a voluminous drape over the arm. It's made from cotton blended with linen for a fresh and structured texture – note how the fabric is arranged in a different direction at the hem panel to create a subtle contrast. 

TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress

TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress

TOTEME dress twisted at the shoulder to create a voluminous drape over the arm. It's made from cotton blended with linen for a fresh and structured texture – note how the fabric is arranged in a different direction at the hem panel to create a subtle contrast. 

TOTEME Shoulder Twist Dress

TOTEME dress twisted at the shoulder to create a voluminous drape over the arm. It's made from cotton blended with linen for a fresh and structured texture – note how the fabric is arranged in a different direction at the hem panel to create a subtle contrast. 

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